RoHS & REACH Compliant Plating
AlumiPlate’s high purity electrodeposited aluminum coating has no identified ESOH issues relative to RoHS and REACH compliance.
While other materials that have been considered in replacement of Cadmium (Cd) such as zinc/nickel (ZnNi) are now coming under regulatory pressure in Europe and the US, our environmentally friendly processes continue to be a safe alternative.
Worldwide regulatory pressure has caused Cd plating (which was once widely used in everything from automotive bolts to padlocks and deck screws) to be removed from almost all commercial use. The only remaining major uses are aircraft and military applications, and the legal exemptions for buy these systems are intended only to remain in force for a limited time.
Cadmium Plating Issues
- Highly toxic cumulative poison and an IARC Group 2A material (probable human carcinogen).
- Heavily regulated throughout the world, with a PEL of 0.1 mg/m3 in the US
- Leaches easily and is a frequent environmental contaminant from aircraft and engine wash downs.
Under the European rules ELV (End-of-life Vehicles), WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), cadmium is restricted to no more than 0.01wt% of any vehicle and electronic material or coating, with exemptions for aircraft and military use. These exemptions are only temporary and are intended to be removed once alternatives become available. Under the new European REACH statute (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and restriction of CHemicals), Cd plating is forbidden except for aircraft and some safety and electrical equipment.
Nickel Plating Issues
- Such as used in ZnNi plating is also under increasing scrutiny by REACH in the EU as a potential substance of concern.
- REACH has no exemption for military use, posing a problem for sustainment of military vehicles in Europe.
AlumiPlate’s Solution for REACH / RoHS Compliant Plating
Extensive testing since 1995 by USAF, NAVAIR, ARL and others has clearly shown that the best replacement for Cadmium plating is electrodeposited Al plating using the commercially available AlumiPlate® process. Electrodeposited Al:
- Greatly exceeds the performance of Cd plate in corrosion protection.
- Prevents catastrophic corrosion-related failures.
- Is compatible with the numerous aluminum (Al) and magnesium (Mg) components used in most weapons platforms.
Contact us for more information or to discuss your application in more detail.